
How do I set up repayments?

Your first repayment won’t be due for about four weeks, however we recommend you organise the way you would like to repay your loan soon after your loan has been funded. If possible, we suggest aligning your repayments to your pay cycle, and you can make additional repayments on top of the minimum repayment if you like.

There are a couple options to repay your loan, including:

  • Setting up a scheduled payment from your Credit Union SA account by:
    • Logging into Internet Banking
    • Select Payments > Transfers from the top navigation bar
    • Choose the ‘From’ and ‘To’ accounts
    • Input the ‘Reference’ and ‘Amount’
    • Select Schedule Payment on the left-hand side and follow the prompts
  • Transferring repayments directly into the loan from a different credit union or bank using the BSB and account number we will provide you in your confirmation email
  • Visiting our King William Street branch and depositing cash or a cheque for the repayment

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 13 8777 or send a Secure Mail in Internet Banking.

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